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Two colossal empires sit side by side. Guided by scripture, Emperor Horim of Olbaid foresees an inevitable war and plots to strike before being struck. Horim hatches a plan to frame neighbouring empire Miria as instigators to win support for his holy conflict. Despite a predicted death toll in the millions and a war expected to span decades, Horim sees no price too great to realise his legacy and see off the preordained demonic invasion. 


Osyron Rymore is a fledgling marshal. Due the the brewing war, most seasoned marshal's have been conscripted into the army leaving him and fellow recruits with tasks that outweigh their experience. Opportunity is on the rise for criminals and a child trafficking ring is suspected to be operating in a coastal village in the far reaches of the empire. Osyron is sent to investigate alone. Here he meets Daniela, a fisherman's wife who leads him on a journey further that any charted map and beyond all belief.


The children of duty & Justice interweaves fantasy, romance, politics, religion and mystery with mental illness, gender relations, euthanasia, broken families and abuse into a modern fantasy novel with classical elements.


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